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    Re: VOY S3: Macrocosm

    It is interesting also when the "little" things in an episode catch your attention.

    Example: Janeway has Doc use the shuttle's sensors and com systems.

    How many times have a ship's systems including the transporters been offline and we the viewer says, what about the shuttles? At least in TNG "Power Play" they acknowledged this.

    Even in Nemesis when "transporters were down"

    I will stop there . . . . . :-)

    Re: TNG S2: Up the Long Ladder

    Definitely another example of early series wierdness and TOS like scenarios. What was stopping them from recommending that more humans transport there and help in some way? But alas, these are people we will never see again and will not be contacted, they are isolated and must survive.

    The kill the clone scene was definitely a whiff.

    The Eddie Murphy look alikes wrere amusing though. Hee, Hee, Hee . . . . .

    Best scene was when Worf gave them a real drink.

    Re: VOY S3: Unity

    Good Episode

    I also wondered about the potential Wolf 359 plot hole

    In guess the transwarp conduit could be plausible

    I.e a sphere left behind to collect escape pods and return to the Delta Quadrant? (The Wormhole aliens protecting The Sisko of course.) or a ship or two assimilated and headed for the DQ after the cube was blowed up

    It would have been more plausible for these the starfleet officers and romulans to be the victims from the outposts along the neutral zone referenced in the same named episode. But I guess wolf 359 sounds more memorable

    As far as explaining Klingons etc

    Re: DS9 S7: What You Leave Behind

    Thanks for this site Jammer and thank you posters as well.

    I am a big fan of the entire Trek Franchise. I still have a lot of TNG, DS9 & VOY on VHS. But I did miss a lot of DS9 during the original airing due to the crazy scheduling. My wife did a lot of recording for me since I was a night worker for a long time.

    There were episodes in each series that I did really care for but this site along with Memory Alpha gave me new found appreciation for those episodes. Especially when it provided insights into what the producers, actors and directors were trying to do and ether failed or suceeded in accomplishing. Interestingly, they are quite frank about how and when they messed up and equally when they were just trying to have a little fun. E.G. the little ship episode.

    Thanks to Netflix (TM) I have been rewatching DS9 solely focusing on how the characters developed. For example, I could not remember the episode where Jake was teaching Nog to read, or when Nog wanted to join the federation since those were always B stories. But I finally found them and enjoyed them. There are also episodes that I don't like as much but hey I know it is just a show and accept it as such. We cannot expect a perfect product. One thing I did appreciate was the effort put forth to flesh out the characters, heck even the GemHadar had some development. But even then, time ran out and some issues could not be shoehorned in even though the producers wanted to. Oh well. It was also obvious that the cast was aware of these efforts and as far as I know, did not have any issues with the screen time or lack thereof. (If they did I know someone will point this out.) Also imagine how things would be now with so many shows going to shorter seasons!

    I know that the religious angle was controversial and the producers got a lot of heat for it. Maybe that is why the Pahwraith arc fell a little flat. One poster made a point about the chants needed to awaken the aliens. (Post Hypnotic response perhaps?) But I did like the posts that highlighted that more dialogue would have been interesting in the fire caves between Sisko and Dukat as a follow up to "Waltz", but we did not get it. I am certain that if it did happen, someone would have once again critized Brooks for overacting (not me!). But I guess then it would have been appropriate. Who knows. I do know that the producers tried to bring us the unexpected and most times they succeeed. That being said, If all that was needed was to knock a possessed man with a special book off of a cliff, that was something anyone could have physically done. But in a war of words and wills, perhaps this would have made the showdown more meaningful since that was always the crux between Sisko and Dukat the war of wills as opposed to a physical or spritual confrontation. This would have been interesting, Dukat getting the upper hand by means of his red eye powers an at the same time they are going at it verbally, then Sisko says something that distracts Dukat, affects his focus for a moment, then Sisko gets all "Hulk Hogan" on him, gains the upper hand and then knocks him over the cliff, perhpahs still "dying" in the process. Cheesy? Corny? Perhaphs, but based on the way it happened, Winn could have tackled Dukat and sealed the gate and then what of sisko? Enough on that.

    I also wondered why Sisko did not visit Jake either. It seems that corporeal visits to the celestial temple are limited to one person at a time. My only other conclusion is that since Sisko is not "dead" and Jake has matured a lot , he is not the person he was during "The Visitor" and Sisko felt that speaking to Cassidy was the thing to do and that Jake would understand. Whose to say that Jake did not get a visit offscreen or that they did not discuss the events of "Visitor" at some point. I guess a hint would have been nice or those so called "throw away lines" used to tie upt loose ends. But we don't know and can only speculate and I have not read any Trek novels other than Q-Squared so phaser me.

    The race discussions were also very interesting. The opinions cited are enough so I wont add to it. I do recall one post about the lack or absense of dark skinned bajorans. There were in fact numerous dark skinned bajorans (civilains, vedeks, security members) throughout the series. But these extras rarely spoke and there was never an episode that featured one of these characters as a major player. Apart from the main cast (Brooks, Dorn, Lofton) there were plenty of African Americans who had intrigal roles so there was plenty of representation. (Tvtropes has topic of about the alleged whiteness of space and sci fi, and they handle it with humor and class as well). So there, as a plot point the race of the actors is a non issue, to me anyway.

    Rewatching any program often allows the us to pick up on very subtle actions added to the story line to make us think. I liked the comment about the subtle interacions between Sloan and Ross. I will be looking for that one the next time.

    But this is not to say there were no plot holes. The discussion about a "cloaked" trilithium bomb being sent toward a sun was very interesting and nicely discussed on this site. During apocalypse rising I still wondered if stabbing a changling would actually kill him. Remember someone threw an object at Odo and the object went through him, but he was aware of this so that may explaiin it, and he was been knocked out as well . But it was clear that "Martok" wanted them to shoot Gowron anyway. But it is what it is.

    The banter on the board is intriguing and I also don't always agree with the opinions of each one but enjoyed it all nonetheless.

    See you in space!!

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